Who we are
According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyancy of rafts is based on the fact that the specific weight of wood is lower than that of water.
We are wood, therefore, in a world of plastic.
Here you will find an extraordinary explanation, provided by the authors of Una parola al giorno, of the meaning of the word "raft" that we would not have been able to explain better: (You'll have to ask Google to translate the page, sorry)
We believe in the interdependence between individuals, therefore we will not pretend to know what, in fact, we do not know; if you thought, said, wrote or did it before and better than us, we take our hats off and make a curtsy (after all we are kitsch and old-fashioned).
And we ask you if you want to collaborate.
In a society of appearance, performance and competition, we claim the right not to appear, not perform and not compete.
We have situationist tendencies, we are disillusioned but not yet resigned, we are young but not even that much anymore, we want to tell the truth because we believe that the truth can still be told.
However, we also allow ourselves the luxury of invent : on the trail of Magical Realism, we revisit our bizarre reality, which in the end is nothing more than a perception; so unless we ask you, you shouldn't take us too seriously.
We have three guiding principles:
ANTI-CONSUMERISM. Yes, you stopped buying from Zara a while ago. But that's not enough: everything has become consumable, even the trip to South America or Southeast Asia that supposedly changes your life. Even the cultural contents: so we decided not to have too many rules, we write when we feel like it, we publish when we feel like it, we have no obligations since we don't have any annoying boss to give us deadlines. We do as we please, and we hope that you too, deep down, are undisciplined like us.
BASTARD FEMINISM. There is not just one feminism, but many (then there is Zara's feminism): ours is an intersectional and decolonial transfeminism, inspired by the Peruvian activist and writer María Galindo. If you have no idea who she is, know that the internet exists for this too.
THE PLEASURE. We are nauseated by the rhetoric of work and our thousand-year-old and putrid Catholic culture: we are here to have fun. Right here, yes, on this planet, in this lifetime. We claim pleasure as a political action, we want to enjoy it in our gloomy 21st century mundanity; we like to dance at raves, we like to talk about sex (and do it, ed.), we like to experience altered states of consciousness, we like to disconcert: you see, dear dinosaurs, we are complex beings, we can even have many degrees and use them as rolling papers.
What we do
Apart from rolling, we read.
Apart from reading, we write, that's why we are here.
We draw, photograph, train unicorns.
We do what we like to call… literary cabaret.
Do we inform, spread, excite? We end up always writing about love and politics, because «the personal is political» and because love is the only thing we still believe in.
It may be that we are too creative to be rational, or too rational to be considered truly creative.
But, after all, we don't care.
We do not define ourselves and we invite you to do the same:
read us,
criticize us,
hate us, but,
don’t define us in any way.
Barcelona, 23/11/2024